24"x18" oil
Did this gesture, color, figure "sketch" tonight. Went into studio thinking cityscape. That didn't last long. Wait til you see what happened next.
20 x 16. Ok, anti-climactic. I started out doing a second figure study in green. The whole time it never vibed. Both of these are over old paintings. I realized that I started copying the first one. Grounds for murder I say. The first one materialized from the ether. When I try to copy not so good things happen. So grabbed towel.....wiped.... stopped. You see, Brian doesn't like to repeat himself. Welcome to a day in the life. By the way, I think I see a nice painting in this one.......
Beautiful figure. Very inspiring for me.
I like this one very much.
It's funny that some things seems to apply to many artist,like getting bored with "copying" your own work.Just the same thing happened to me when I wanted to copy a figure I did, for a friend. No vibe at all. Did a completely new one and off I went.
LOVE the figure!!!! Very reflective..introspective. A new spin for you.
thanks girls! It won't be the last.
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