Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Church on Boas st.

8"x8"/ gessobord

This is what I see everytime I enter my studio in daylight. I always stare when there is good light for many minutes. However this is only the second time I've painted it.Done very rapidly and was most interested in the sun vs. shade shapes and complementary colors. Scraped it then redid it. A very basic sketch.


loriann signori said...

Basic can be beautiful. Love the light on the roof and the feeling of crisp, cold temperatures you created without showing land.

brian eppley said...

Thanks Loriann. Youve found a way to make me feel better about a lackluster performance. Will have time this weekend to really concentrate on some painting. Hope you make the opening Friday.

Jala Pfaff said...

Nice colors!

Jala Pfaff said...

Forgot to ask, did you eat the little pattypan squashes/

brian eppley said...

Jala, I am ashamed to admit that I did not eat the pattypans. I regretfully placed them in a spot that I forgot about. They were already browning when I painted them and when I found them after painting them lets just say they were closer to shrunken apple heads than food. Karma will get me for this.

Jala Pfaff said...

You will be reincarnated as one of those giant zucchini plants that take over people's yards, and whose overly plentiful fruits cannot even be GIVEN away in the heat of July.

P.S. You think your pattypans looked bad after a few days of shrinking/rotting, you should see my Bosc pear!