Saturday, December 20, 2008

32"x28" oil

I just received the dates for my solo show at Parlor Gallery in Lancaster Pa. The opening is during Lancaster's first Friday Events March 6 2009, 5pm-10pm. The show is titled " Variations of Light". I'm showing Landscapes and still life. The focus is on showing the sometimes subtle and sometimes not so subtle variations in value, color and temperature both indoors and out during different light conditions.


Patti Auburn said...

I really like your work - good luck at the show - I hope you sell a lot.

brian eppley said...

Thank you for the complement Patti. How on earth did you find my site? I see you are from Washington state which is long way from Pennsylvania. This is the beauty of the internet, we can all be connected in a positive way! Good luck with your writing. I hope your book sells by the bundles. Stay warm, and thanks for checking in. Brian